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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-13 17:08

Jin: Do you have any other jobs now?

Zhou: No. I’m just waiting to retire.

Jin: How old are you?

Zhou: 53

Jin: Are you friends with the other sugar artists?

Zhou: Yes, we have a small circle, but we don’t meet very often because we are all busy with our own stuff. We don’t discuss our technique together. It should be kept secret.

Jin: Do you have any suggestions for any readers who might want to learn?

Zhou: It’s not easy. If they are interested, they can come to me. I can tell you what to pay attention to, but it mostly depends on yourself, on your wu xing (level of understanding).

Jin: Does your son want to study this?

Zhou: No, he has no wu xing.

Jin: How many apprentices do you have?

Zhou: Only two. One is from Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province and the other is my nephew.

Jin: Where is the best place to sell?

Zhou: Gu Lou, Ancient Culture Street, but they don’t let me sell from there. I have to stand outside.

Zhou can usually be found at Yinhe Square on the corner of Youyi Lu and Leyuan Dao on the weekends when the weather is good and on weekday nights. Check him out while you still can, the weather is getting cold!

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编辑:刘静 稿源《JIN》杂志
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空气质量 天津股票 广播节目 二手房源
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