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http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35

  When you travel to a foreign country, one of the first things you begin to miss is the food of your homeland. Several Chinese people told me that American Chinese food is not the same as the food in China. I never understood what it’s like to eat the food of your country in a foreign country. I didn’t think it was a big deal because I believe American Chinese food still tastes good. Local Chinese people will eat Western food in China and also think the dish tastes good. However, when a Westerner eats Western food in China our first reaction tends to be, “This is not how Western food is supposed to taste.”

  As a foreigner, I have to get used to eating sweet bread and sweet mayonnaise. When I eat a sandwich in America the bread is not sweet, I have never liked sweet mayonnaise. I was very disappointed with the Western food in China because it just isn’t the same as it is at home. I was even willing to start cooking my own food but I quickly found that food such as cheese is not cheap in China like it is in America.

  After much trial and error, I finally found a wonderful café that makes authentic Western food. The head chef was born and raised in Australia with constant exposure to the art of cooking delicious food. He trains his kitchen staff very well and every meal made in this restaurant is truly a work of art. Not only does this man specialize in Western sandwiches, pastas, and salads but he also creates authentic Western coffee as well as very beautiful and delicious cakes.

  Food is very important to Westerners. It is an experience that livens our day, relaxes our mind, and fills our growling stomach. Every detail of each meal is important to Westerners; from the design and color scheme of the restaurant to the design of the food itself. If a restaurant has a horrible design, then the customer will not be as comfortable as they would normally be. However, if the food is not designed perfectly, it is likely the customer will look for a different restaurant to eat at. Aaron Jensen kept this thought in mind when he decided to join Tim in a joint venture restaurant. Aaron chooses only the best bread to make his sandwiches, he makes his own mayonnaise, and he even cures his own ham. Even my Chinese friend noticed that Aaron does not skimp on any of the foods he uses.

  While living with his family in Australia, Aaron learned at a young age the importance of good quality food and drinks. He remembers a time when his mother and father were angry with each other. Aarons’ father would always have a cup of cooked coffee every morning. When his mother became angry with his father on this particular occasion, she decided to put a dead cockroach in his ground coffee beans. The cockroach was left in the coffee for one week before it was discovered. After this experience, Aaron learned why it is important to have good quality food and coffee. He also learned that it can be very dangerous to get a woman mad……

  These days, you can find Aaron in the kitchen of his café concocting a new recipe which will dazzle his foreign and local customers. “You can do so much with food. It is only limited by your imagination.” Aaron works hard to create great food, coffee, and deserts. Many locals have never seen these dishes before and after eating an authentic sandwich or drinking pure coffee (not boiled or cooked coffee), they understand that there is a big difference between Western food prepared by local Chinese people and Western food prepared by a Westerner. Of course, Aaron’s kitchen staff works very hard to create the works of art Aaron himself has created. Tim, Aaron’s business partner, makes some of the best homemade ice cream in Tianjin. This ice cream has the tendency to sell out because so many people know it is very delicious.

  Tim first opened La Seine Café in November 2006, after learning the art of cooking in Paris at Le Corden Bleu; Aaron joined up with him in April 2007. The area in which the café is located is very new and not too many people know about this complex. Although the café is right behind an E-mart, located on the international delicious street, and directly across from the Olympic Stadium, not many have ventured out into this area. Tim and Aaron both hope the Olympics will bring more customers to this area. Aaron sells his ice cream in the Olympic Towers in order to accommodate many of his customers and he is hoping to start a delivery service by the end of 2007.

  It is true that there is not a huge demand for Western food in Tianjin. Aaron works hard with local customers in order to custom make foods that they will all enjoy. “The trick here is to find common ground. Good food is universal, but you have to understand what your customers consider good.” Aaron and Tim are currently working on making warm toppings for ice cream in order to appeal to local customers in the winter. Both men agree it is important to gain appeal from the locals but they want to remain authentically Western. This is great news to foreigners like me who have discovered the charming haven Aaron and Tim have created. It is wonderful to have a café which is warmly decorated, filled with kindhearted workers, and delicious food where you can escape from the pressures of life and enjoy Good Food.

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编辑:刘静 稿源《都市精粹》杂志
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