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圣诞之夜 浪漫法国情怀 Christmas in France or « Noël »

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 16:11

  In France it is a time for the whole family to come together at Christmas time to holiday and worship. On the eve of Christmas beautifully lit churches and cathedrals, ring out Christmas carols with the church bells.

  Once dinner is over and the family has retired to bed, they leave a fire burning and food and drink on the table in case the Virgin Mary calls in. Children leave their shoes or wooden clogs called “sabots” in the hearth for the Christ Child or “Père Noël” to fill. In the north of France, children are given gifts on December 6, which is St. Nicholas' Day, instead of Christmas Day. The adults give each others presents on New Year's Day.



  If you are interested by French Christmas tradition, the Restaurant C’est La Vie in Tianjin will reconstitute a traditional Christmas Eve party for the 24th December. A special set dinner, with goose liver terrine, scallop, turkey, cheese and Yule log will be load at 480 Rmb. French Champagne will be at the special price of 480 per bottle and 80 per glasses.


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