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圣诞之夜 浪漫法国情怀 Christmas in France or « Noël »

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 16:11

  Editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang

  In addition to the traditional Christmas tree, almost every French home displays a Nativity scene called “crèche”, which is the home focus for the celebration. The “crèche” is filled with clay or wood figures called “santons”. Figures represent the Holy Family, animals, local dignitaries, and characters. This handcrafted “santons” come in majority from the south of the France in Marseille and Aix. The “santons” molds have been passed from generation to generation since the seventeenth century. The “santon” could reach incredible price in some fairs.

除了传统意义上的圣诞树之外,几乎每个法国家庭都会在圣诞之夜把“传家之宝”拿出来摆放,以此来庆祝圣诞节。那就是用泥土和木头做成的穆斯林圣人。这些手工做成的人物象征着神圣与权贵。可以代表高尚的家庭、动物以及当地的尊贵之士。这种习俗源于法国南部的普罗旺斯、马赛和 艾克斯一带。自从十七世纪以来,这种模型就开始一代一代地流传下来了。每个家庭都会随即增添一些新的人偶,在法国有些模型甚至价值连城。

  Every cathedral in France will perform a live “crèche” with actors who recreate the nativity scene.

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