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花园酒店 Garden Hotel

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-09 16:35

  Mr. Feng Ji Cai wrote a book about the culture of Tianjin describing how unique this culture has become. Tianjin was not only affected by the ancient history of China but it is also affected by the Western culture due to the occupation of the Great Powers. You can see the effect these people had on Tianjin by just walking down certain roads in the city. Liu Zhuang has read this book and seen these beautiful buildings but too few local people know the history of their own streets. A passion grew within Liu Zhuang; everyone should have a place devoted to the past stories and the history of their culture.

  This is how the idea for the Garden Hotel first began. Liu Zhuang would spend the better part of seven years collecting furniture belonging to historical figures and gathering the funds to create this masterpiece. There are five famous roads in Tianjin and each road has had its share of famous people. Each room is named after one of these roads with some select historical figures honored in each room. You can read stories about these people, listen to a recording about the five famous roads, or you can ask the staff to tell you more about Tianjin history and culture. The restaurant looks like a traditional English home. Whenever you enter into a dining room you are transported back to a time when details were just as important as the main picture. It is the principle embraced by the Garden Hotel.

  Every piece of furniture you see is an antique collected by Mr. Liu Zhuang over his many years of patience and sacrifice. There are telephones, picture frames, fans, and even coat hangers that add to the effect that this is more of a home than an ordinary restaurant. The warm tones of the carpets and furniture make you feel like you have returned home to a place of warmth and safety.

  The rooms include: Xin Hua road – Honoring Xu Shi Chang and Zhang Xue Liang, Kun Ming road – Honoring president Hoover as well as people from the Empire, Because the restaurant is located on Dali road, the main room in the restaurant is named after this particular road. Wang Zhan Yuan is also honored here across from two pillars of noble dragons. All of these men have greatly affected the events in Tianjin. They have all left their mark upon its history and they should all be remembered for what they have helped to create. This is the unique history of Tianjin and its culture needs to be celebrated especially by the current generation. If only one person enters this restaurant, not knowing anything about the life and history of Tianjin and they leave knowing a little more of the history of this city, then the restaurant has fulfilled its purpose.

  Above all, Mr. Liu Zhuang admires the people he sees on the street laughing over a game of cards and telling stories to one another. He has worked very hard and has not been able to spend the time with these kind strangers that he would like. Instead, Liu Zhuang has been busy raising his daughter and teaching her as his mother taught him, “Give back to the community what the community needs.” In 45 years Liu Zhuang has been a police officer, business man, sporter. This may seem the behavior of a chameleon rather than a restaurant owner but it has always been his belief to find something you are truly passionate about, commit to it, become great at it, and succeed at it. In this way, you will truly be happy. All of these jobs have given Mr. Liu Zhuang the knowledge and experience needed to understand what it was he could give to the community.

  Liu Zhuang has a passion for history, antique furniture, and the people who have affected Tianjin’s past. In an effort to make the idea of his restaurant come to life, Liu Zhuang set out to find these relatives of the people he wanted to honor in his restaurant. He was searching for stories and furniture that he could use in order to make Tianjin’s history captivating for his customers. Although some of the relatives he found were pleased to give Liu Zhuang what he asked; others were reluctant to give up the personal effects of their family members. It was a hard time for Liu Zhuang. He spent a long time waiting and talking to relatives and only after many years did his patience pay off.

  Now this restaurant has become his second child. Liu Zhuang believes the restaurant is like a name given to you by your parents. “You can let everyone know about it, but you must keep it safe and respect it.” A great deal of time and effort was put into this restaurant. Only a deep passion could bring about such warmth and love. The second you step into the restaurant you can feel the warmth; not of the stove or heater but of the heart and soul. It is infectious and you leave the restaurant feeling lighthearted. “If your surroundings are comfortable then you will be comfortable.” This is the lesson Liu Zhuang has learned though out his life. He has extended this feeling of warmth to anyone who ventures into his restaurant. It is a lesson we should never take for granted.

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编辑:刘静 稿源《都市精粹》杂志
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