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如此宠物 Pets

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 17:25

  Editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang

  When you think about adopting a pet, what do you think of? A dog, a cat, a bird? I bet you never thought of having your own pet spider. There are many animals out there people love just as any fluffy kitten or bouncing puppy. Although these animals may be different, that does not mean they deserve any less attention.


   I have never liked spiders. I remember when I was little I would always yell for my father when I saw one so he could kill it for me. I was even able to train my cat to eat spiders so that I could sleep better at night. Then my sister decided to buy a pet tarantula. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world and she would cuddle up with it in a chair. I never understood how anyone could love something so ugly and disgusting. Then I met my friend Angela, who had a snake as a pet……


   My fear of snakes far surpasses my fear of spiders. One night, one of Angela’s friends decided to play with Angela’s snake, called Tinkerbelle. The next thing everyone knew there was a white streak heading towards the door. It was me running in terror. My friends said they had never seen anyone run so fast and would not stop teasing me for the rest of the night. I have never gotten over my fear of snakes but I do have a new found respect for people who choose to take care of exotic animals.


   I asked Angela one night why she liked snakes as pets and she said it was a fun pet. She feeds it about once a month -this is normal- and it does not need much care. She does not have to take it for walks or constantly clean up when it goes to the bathroom. The snake does not get into trouble for getting into the garbage like most dogs will or for spraying the curtains like most cats will. From this prospective, snakes don’t sound like such a bad pet… …But I am still not going to buy one.


   When my sisters and I were little, we used to take care of hamsters. My grandmother hated hamsters because she said they looked too much like rats. Because we lived with my grandmother at the time, she made a little outdoor cage for the hamsters so that she did not have to worry about them getting out. These days I can understand her fear but back then I just thought she was being weird. After all, this was a lady who took care of a parrot who believed it was an attack dog. This parrot would try to rip any stranger apart with its beak if it had the chance. As a family, we also kept chickens as pets; which is considered by many to be a bit odd. Yet we were not allowed to keep hamsters in the house because they reminded my grandmother of rats. When I get to be a grandmother and my grandchildren decide to buy an ugly pet that they want to keep in my house, I think I will do the same as my grandmother and build an outside sanctuary for the animal. After all, there has to be some peace in your old age.


   There will always be those people who crave being around the strange and unusual. There will always be those who favor what is considered ‘normal’. I have a cat. I do not think I will ever own a snake but I would love to take care of a sugar-glider. If you do not know, this is a small animal –no bigger than your hand- that looks like a fluffy squirrel but is related to the possum family. They are very sweet and absolutely adorable! I do not mind taking care of exotic animals, as long as they are cute.


编辑:刘静 稿源《都市精粹》杂志
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