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利顺德百年风云(五) 胡佛的旅津生涯

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 17:25




There are two presidents in American History who did not earn their salary; Herbert Clark Hoover and John F Kennedy.  This is because, in Hoover’s time as president, the economy was going through a depression. 

Hoover was born into a Quaker family in Iowa, in 1874.  His parents died when he was very young.  When he was 11 years old, Hoover went to live with his uncle in Oregon.  He lived there for 6 years and considered himself very independent.  In his uncles house he learned a lot, such as record keeping, typing, and every evening he was taught business.  All of these equations created a sturdy foundation for his future.   He went to Standford in 1891 and after graduating, he married his Stanford sweetheart.
When the 8 armies come into China, the Russian army occupied the Kaiping province.  The Chairman of the Bureau of minerals Zhangyi arrived by himself in Astor hotel where he impressed another partner of the Kailuan Miners called Decuilin.  Zhangyi asked Decuilin to lead the coal miners in Tianjin.  The manager of the hotel, Molin, appointed Hoover to draw up a contract called a ‘handover’ contract.  Zhangyi signed it.  At that time Hoover was a shareholder and engineer of the Astor Hotel.  After that, the coal miner became an English enterprise.  Hoover helped the English shareholder to enlist kaiping coal miners and Ximian coal miners and Kailuan coal miners, etc.  He has expressed so many talents and abilities that all of his abilities have created so many political and governmental achievements’.

编辑 刘静 稿源 《都市精粹》杂志
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