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圣诞!盛宴! Christmas Dinner

http://tjtong.enorth.com.cn  2007-11-28 17:25

Editor: Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang

Christmas dinner is an important part of this important festival. Not many Chinese people know what goes into a traditional Western Christmas Dinner.  In my family, we start cooking about three days in advanced.  There is a lot of food for the celebration and it takes some time to make everything. 


Many families will have a main meat course.  This is usually the pride of the whole meal.  On Christmas, this dish is usually a ham; although many families will make a turkey or even a large fish.  Then we will cook potatoes, biscuits, some kind of salad (potatoes, tuna, or even macaroni), and lots of vegetables such as squash, beans, corn, broccoli, and peas.  Finally, dessert is served which can be a wide range of items such as ice cream, cookies, or a pie.  A traditional Christmas Dinner at my house includes: A Honey Baked Ham from the Honey Baked Ham store, Twice Baked Potatoes, Double-Yeast Rolls, Stuffing, Potato Salad, Cream Corn, Peas, Deviled Eggs, Sliced Turkey, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Cookies, Snowball Cookies, Blackberry Cobbler with French Vanilla Ice Cream, and milk to wash it all down.  We will eat left-over’s from the meal for at least one week after Christmas Day.

Here are some recipes of my own I hope you will enjoy:



Deviled Eggs –

Raw material: 12 Eggs, Mustard, Mayonnaise, and dill relish (not sweet relish).

Put the 12 eggs into a pot of water and let boil for 20 mins or until the eggs are fully hard.  Peel the egg shell off the egg but be careful not to rip the egg.  Slice the eggs in half vertically.  Remove the boiled yolks and place into a large mixing bowl.  Mix in the mustard, mayonnaise, and relish to taste (I usually put in about 2-3 table spoons of each but it depends on what you like).  Stir the mixture until there are no lumps. Then spoon the mixture into each egg yolk hole. Arrange the eggs any way you like and serve.




Cream Corn –

1 can of corn, 1 8 oz container of Philadelphia Cream Cheese

Dump the contents of corn into a pot. Place half a cup of water in the pot and bring to a boil.  Once the contents come to a boil, drain the water.  Put 4 oz of Philadelphia Cream Cheese into the pot and stir until it is all melted.  Then pour into a bowl and serve.  You can always add pepper for more flavor.


原料:一罐玉米粉,18oz 费城奶酪


Snowball cookies –

2 cups flower, 2 cups finely chopped pecans, ¼ cup of white sugar, 1 cup melted butter, 2 teaspoons vanilla, 1 bag powdered sugar. 

Heat oven to 325°F. Combine all ingredients except powdered sugar in large mixer bowl. Beat until well mixed.  Shape dough into 1 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet at least one inch apart.  Bake for 18- 25 minutes or until lightly browned.  Let cool.  Roll in powdered sugar.  I sprinkle cinnamon on top of the Snowball cookies and call them Santa’s Dirty Snowballs for fun.  




编辑:刘静 稿源《都市精粹》杂志
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